Craigantlet Masonic Lodge of Friendship No. 486
~ Est. 1920 ~

History of Warrant No. 486
Warrant No. 486 was first issued to brethren in Minola (Manulla), Castlebar, Co. Mayo on the 6th December 1770 and was cancelled on the 14th June 1792.
On 2nd February 1809 the Warrant was reissued to brethren in Ballyjamesduff, County Cavan and subsequently cancelled on the 7th February 1833.
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated June 1920 show concerning Warrant No. 486:
"Read Memorial from various Brethren praying for a warrant to establish a Lodge in Crawfordsburn in the County of Down to be called the Craigantlet. – Recommended."
The Recommendation of The Board was followed, as is shown in the Grand Lodge Minutes of 3rd June 1920 as "Confirmed".

On 7th June 1920, Warrant No. 486 was re-issued to Samuel McCready, Frederick Page and William Graham to form 'Craigantlet Friendship Lodge' in Crawfordsburn, Helen's Bay, County Down.
Series four Vol. 16 shown as Volume 4a of the extant Grand Lodge Registers show:
"Warrant No. 486 to Crawfordsburn, Co. Down as “Craigantlet Friendship Lodge”, 7 June, 1920. Samuel McCready, Builder (170); Frederick Page, C.S. Clerk (170) and William Graham, Electrician, (170) registered along with eleven others from various lodges 7 June, 1920."
A total of 61 brethren registered with "Craigantlet Friendship Lodge" up to 28th February 1924.
The Minutes of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Down dated 4th August 1920 at Dufferin Hall, Bangor, County Down show:
"4th August, 1920.
An Occasional Meeting of the Right Worshipful The Grand Lodge of the Province of Down was held at the Masonic Hall, Bangor on above date at the hour of 7.30 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of Constituting the "Craigantlet Masonic Lodge No. 486".
The Grand Lodge was opened on the First Degree and was officered as follows:-
Grand Master R.W. Bro. Dr. J.D. Williamson
Senior Grand Warden R.W. Bro. J.M. Hamilton
Junior Grand Warden V.W. Bro. Wm. Weir (acting)
Grand Treasurer V.W. Bro. W. Bel Burrows
Grand Secretary V.W. Bro. W. Bel Burrows (acting)
Grand Chaplain W. Bro. Rev. Carey
[Together with other Provincial Grand Officers]
The Roll was called and the attendance’s of Provincial Grand Lodge Officers recorded.
The notice convening the Meeting was read.
The Ceremony of Constitution of the new Lodge was then proceeded with and carried out by the Grand Master and Prov. Grand Lodge Officers in an impressive manner and the "Craigantlet Masonic Lodge of Friendship No. 486" was declared to be at Labour.
The Worshipful Master and Officers of the new Lodge were then installed and saluted.
The Grand Master then delivered an instructive and suitable address.
The ordinary business of the Lodge was then transacted.
A vote of thanks was proposed to the Grand Master & Provincial Grand Lodge Officers and passed.
The Lodge was then closed in Peace, Love and Harmony.
The Members of the Lodge afterwards entertained the Provincial Grand Lodge Officers and Brethren.
(signed) J.D. Williamson."
A total of 126 brethren registered up to 27th February, 1953 and up to 155 brethren registered up to 10th September, 1984.
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 20th September, 1967 show concerning Warrant No. 486:
On 20 September 1967 on the recommendation of the P.G.L. of Down, the Board granted permission to Lodge No. 486 to change its place of meeting from Crawfordsburn to Holywood.
On 23 December 2021 the Grand Lodge of Ireland agreed the move of the Warrant of Craigantlet Friendship Lodge No. 486 from Holywood to Galwally House, Belfast.