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Willkommen Deutsche Brüder

This weekend Craigantlet Lodge of Friendship said "Willkommen Deutsche Brüder" and welcomed several Brethren from Lodge “Zur Werkstatt” No. 979 from Berlin, Germany.

Masonic Brethren from Lodge “Zur Werkstatt” No. 979, Berlin, Germany

After a tour around Belfast they enjoyed a visit to Freemasons' Hall, Arthur Square, whereupon they learnt the long associated history of Freemasonry and Belfast. After a meal and a few drinks, the nightlife of Belfast was also enjoyed.

A BBQ was held on Saturday night where further friendships were made over several drinks, burgers and sausages.

On Monday, after a tour of Galwally House, Belfast, gifts were exchanged, and the Brethren of Lodge “Zur Werkstatt”, kindly presented the below plaque to the Lodge Brethren. The plaque is handmade by one of their Brethren.

The plaque is full of open and hidden symbolism. Constructed out of 200 year old oak, with the bark still attached, the wood was saved from an old tree trunk which was to be used as firewood.

The central trefoil and portal reminds Brethren of the building of medieval cathedrals. The three gates symbolise the three degrees in Freemasonry.

The four pillars, besides the arches, have golden capitals or golden crowns.

Placed on top of the portal, is a Square and Compass, the main symbols of Freemasonry. The Square was also handmade, and contains 3 golden screws. The Compass is also original and reclaimed.

The perimeter of the plaque features a chain, reminding the Brethren that they are all chain links in the international chain of brotherhood of Freemasons.

The two pillars either side of the Square and Compass are known to many Freemasons.

The 'sugar cube' item is actually cut from white marble and three sides can be seen. The Worshipful Masters Jewel, presented to Brethren of Lodge “Zur Werkstatt”, contain a similar gem, all cut from the same larger gem.

The top left corner features the Belfast Coat of Arms and the top right features the Berlin Coat of Arms which features a black bear on a white shield.

A great weekend was had by everyone and the Brethren from Craigantlet 486 hope to make a return visit in the near future. Danke, meine Deutschen Brüder!


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