On 7th June 1920, Warrant No. 486 was issued to form 'Craigantlet Friendship Lodge' in Crawfordsburn, Helen's Bay, County Down.

Warrant No. 486 was first issued to brethren in Minola (Manulla), Castlebar, Co. Mayo on the 6th December 1770 before it was unfortunately cancelled on the 14th June 1792.
The Warrant lay dormant until 2nd February 1809 until it was re-issued to brethren in Ballyjamesduff, County Cavan and subsequently cancelled on the 7th February 1833.
On 7th June 1920, the Warrant was re-issued to Samuel McCready, Frederick Page and William Graham of Lodge Rising Sun No.170 of Crawfordsburn Masonic Hall in order to establish a Lodge in Crawfordsburn to be called the Craigantlet Friendship Lodge.
On 20 September 1967 on the recommendation of the P.G.L. of Down, the Board granted permission to Lodge No. 486 to change its place of meeting from Crawfordsburn to Holywood.
On 23 December 2021 the Grand Lodge of Ireland agreed the move of the Warrant of Craigantlet Friendship Lodge No. 486 from Holywood to Galwally House, Belfast.
