It was all flower power and hippy hippy shakes at the recent Lodge Charity Quiz Night on 13th May 2023 at Galwally House, Belfast.

The Quiz Night made its annual return after being absent for 3 years due to the COVID pandemic.

There was a mixture of general knowledge and out of the ordinary questions, by our quizmaster VW Bro Terence Luney.
After several rounds it came down to a head to head showdown between the Worshipful Masters Team, (who had previously won the last 5 events), and the newcomers, led by the Provincial Grand Scribe for Greater Belfast, for the Council of Knight Masons.
Eventually the tiebreak situation was settled, with one team correctly answering the following question:

Which is unique in its own right?
a) a square manhole cover
b) a rectangular manhole cover
c) a round manhole cover.
After being presented with the winner’s trophy, the Provincial Grand Scribe promised to return next year to defend the title.
The evening also involved a 3 dart top score challenge, which Mrs Best won with an impressive 96. Thankfully no children, animals or artwork were hurt in the process.

An array of prizes were also on offer for the grand ballot, which saw hampers, bottles of wine, chocolates, men's deodorant and a bag of potatoes being won.
A light supper was also served to all and later the Steward of Charities announced that an impressive £807 had been raised during the evening for the Mae Murray Foundation and Butterfly Cancer Trust.
As for the tiebreak answer: The round manhole cover is unique as it cannot be dropped inside, unlike the two others!